Media Supply offers free ground shipping on all Epson Discproducer publishers and printers!
Epson Discproducer PP-100III CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disc Publisher
Blu-ray Discs in addition to CDs and DVDs, make this already great product even better. I don't say "great product" lightly. Not all the publishers we have are "great", and while they may have some specific jobs they perform to fit some customers needs, the Epson Discproducer has a lot of specific features that lots of people can use. For me, first and foremost is the inkjet printing costs. It will cost you about $0.03 per disc when printing black and $0.08 per disc printing in color on this publisher. The unit comes with 6 different ink cartridges, so you only use the colors that you go through the most. Secondly, the automation is excellent and it doesn't have a huge footprint. It can be placed in a viewable part of your office and not look like it's dangerous. It actually could be logically confused for a microwave oven. Finally, Epson software is great, and they stand willing and able to work with you on any specialty integrations you may like.
The Epson Discproducer PP-100III is the latest generation of Epson's advanced desktop publisher from, noted for its high performance, fast throughput, and top reliability. It is designed for unattended operation and can burn and print up to 100 discs at a speed of up to 30 CDs, 15 DVDs, or 8 Blu-ray Discs per hour. And it has all the features you need to get the job done.
Download the Epson Discproducer PP-100III brochure here.
Epson's Discproducer is a state-of-the-art desktop disc publisher available from MediaSupply. A late-comer to the land of disc publishing, the Discproducer hits a home run with its compact design, reliable and efficient automation, and incredibly low ink costs. A full-color disc printed on the Discproducer costs just $0.08 per disc and black prints only $0.03 per disc. You'll be impressed by the capacity of the Epson ink cartridges, which far exceed the volume of other disc publisher ink cartridges.
The Discproducer is available in 100 disc, autoprinter (print only), and network models, as well as a cost-effective 50-disc publisher.
For the best price and customer service, order your Epson Discproducer from Media Supply. Click the "Add to Cart" button or call 1.888.987.6334

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